Online Hypnosis and Online Self-Hypnosis Training via Zoom.
Online Hypnosis available via Zoom at NLP Hypnosis Centre.
To our clients and friends, we are doing online hypnosis sessions using Zoom.
We have decided to further implement online hypnosis sessions and online self-hypnosis training to help our clients and friends, given the movement limitations due to the CODVID-19.
It is very important that we all follow the recommendations of health professionals in this regard and that is why we decided to close the office, cancel home visits and only do online hypnosis via Zoom.
At NLP Hypnosis Centre we follow the recommendations of the National Guild of Hypnotists, NGH, for online Hypnosis sessions.
Olivier Hidalgo
NGH Certified Hypnosis Instructor.
NLP Hypnosis Centre.London, Ontario. Canada.